October 11th 2020

October's issue of Hotelier Middle East focuses on people who have shaped the industry in truly impressive and unique ways. They all have their own personality and leadership DNA, different ways to look at the business and create an inspirational vision for the rest of us. I’m writing this in a small break from writing my own masterclasses. I’ve looked back at the mentors and coaches I’ve worked with and how they have inspired me. I remembered one of my mentors gave me what has become my most loaned and gifted book to others by James A. Autry, The Servant Leader.

While writing my classes I reflected on how I have built and developed teams around the world, and the principles that have remained constant, and now as I coach and mentor others today I try as much as possible to always loop back to Autry’s teaching.

Most businesses today are under pressure, many are in trouble, but I am blessed to be working with others who are managing their unexpected growth pains or are equally blessed with the privileged position that they have a growth opportunity, and when I drill down I see common principles again.

These leaders are providing guidance during conflict and crisis, never before has this been more critical. They assure your continued growth and progress as a leader, they teach you the principles of servant leadership and all these impact to transform a company into a great place to work. Don’t fake authenticity, times like now reveal those people with lofty ideals. Humility and high values have proved that authenticity, vulnerability, acceptance, presence, and ‘being useful’ are simply the only way not just to survive, but to establish belief and vision. Inspired employees are themselves far more productive and in turn, inspire those around them to strive for greater heights.

Being vulnerable in difficult times is a frightening concept for many, so with that I want to add bravery to this list of critical principles. Leaders have to be very strong, combining their strength to motivate equally bold teams, their bravery to empower, whilst avoiding a command and control approach.

Have you had a boss or colleague say recently “I made a bad decision”, or “I think we should look again at what we’re doing”? I think it takes courage to suggest that they might have taken on too much or taken a wrong direction.

Being ‘present’ is hard as a leader, you are the lightning rod for the rest of the team and no matter how distracted you are, your team need to see you, not a distracted you; be present and focus on the here and now being useful as the leader in the role you first took on.

Most of the leaders in this year’s 2020 Power List are on people’s lists of those they’d love to work for. Why? They are leaders who over many years have crafted teams and brands who in turn inspire their front lines with brands that lead our amazing industry at a time we need it more than ever.

I’ve met many of those on this year’s list and know how much they deserve it. Congratulations to all of them and I thank them for making a difference. It really does matter.

David Singleton has worked in the hospitality and retail industry around the world as a brand builder, creator, operator, franchisee, and franchisor for some of the world’s best known and respected brands. He moderates, speaks, writes, advises and mentors across the hospitality and service sectors globally. Find out more at www.sociusgroup.comwww.davidsingleton.work and @singletoncity

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